Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid should check his House in-box. #obamacare

There are any number of House bills that were duly passed in the last few months that happen to deal with handling the individual mandate. Including, I believe, one from September 30th, which in retrospect is a deal that Mark Begich, Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu, Mark Pryor, and Jeanne Shaheen (at the very least) kind of wish that the Senate Majority Leader had taken, given that Reid is playing fire with their political careers right now. At any rate: if the Senate decides to pursue an individual mandate delay anyway, well, the House has done its job; now let Harry Reid do his, and hammer it all out in conference the way it’s supposed to be done.

He can also send the House an apology for the delay, but that observation is made merely so that Reid can never pretend that nobody ever told him what proper, civilized behavior entails. I will allow myself to be content with seeing the Senate Majority Leader take up any one of those bills that he swore to never, ever take up… Continue reading Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid should check his House in-box. #obamacare

The Speaker’s office is keeping score of #HarryReidsShutdown.

Every funding bill that the House has passed and that the Senate has refused to even consider – which is to say all of them, except for the one funding the military.  Basically, Harry Reid thinks that he can let a few kids with cancer die and still not worry about losing his Senate Majority Leader gig… but even his current caucus might balk at playing games with the troops at that level of sadistic indifference.

It will, unfortunately, undoubtedly have to be updated.



Moe Lane (crosspost)

Harry Reid: “…ANARCHISTS! Anarchists roaming the halls!”

No doubt leering at the staff, too:

Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues.

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.

“People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”

Actually, what that is is a lie. On a variety of levels: Continue reading Harry Reid: “…ANARCHISTS! Anarchists roaming the halls!”

Harry Reid is not thinking smart on the ‘nuclear option.’

Here’s a few questions for Harry Reid to chew on while he contemplates this comment by Byron York about the fallout from the so-called ‘nuclear option:’

…nearly everything the Senate does requires that senators first agree to direct the body’s attention to this or that subject. That is usually done through a routine procedure called unanimous consent. But if just one senator wants to stop things, he or she can.

“Most people underestimate the importance of unanimous consent and how it will, if denied, slow down the operations of the Senate, perhaps to a halt,” says John Cornyn, the number-two ranking Republican in the Senate. “I can foresee a circumstance where every time there is an effort to do something on the floor, there is going to be an objection, and that will string out for a long time.”

…and they go like this: Continue reading Harry Reid is not thinking smart on the ‘nuclear option.’

So Harry Reid prepares the Denethor option in the Senate.

Here we go.


By the way: when the GOP-controlled Senate in 2015 – and the whispers about that have already started in the Beltway – uses this to force the Democrats to eat ash for two years, please be advised that they. Were. Warned.

Moe Lane

PS: I had a total of two hours sleep last night; I’m not really geared up for anything except brutal honesty right now. And brutal honesty is making me say: the GOP will control the Senate, largely despite itself. Things are just going to get that bad.

Harry Reid will be 77 in 2016.

There was some speculation back in 2010 that this would be his last term. It may simply be that Reid has no plans to be in a Senate where both it and the Presidency are in the hands of the opposition party. Which means that Harry Reid has no real reason not to screw over his colleagues:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s threat to change filibuster rules is supposed to narrowly focus on presidential nominees to the executive branch.

But his potential move to invoke the “nuclear option” is raising a bigger and more sweeping question that could have huge consequences for future presidents of both parties: Is this the beginning of the end of the filibuster? If the filibuster goes, the Senate would lose a crucial check on majority rights — and it could start looking very much like the House, where the majority always gets its way.

And it will screw over his colleagues. Because I have a list, and so does every conservative activist, organizer, gadfly, and partisan hack that I know. It’s a list of stuff that we want, but can’t realistically expect to get to sixty on.

Harry Reid has nobody to cry to about that big meanie Ted Cruz…

…so he’ll just cry about it:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called freshman GOP Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) a “schoolyard bully” during a contentious exchange Monday on the Senate floor.

The two senators bickered as Cruz rose to object to Reid’s motion to appoint conferees to a House-Senate budget committee.

Cruz’s great sin? “He asked that Reid amend his motion to go to conference to make out of order any provisions raising taxes or raising the debt ceiling.” …No, I’m not exactly sure where the term ‘bully’ would apply, there.  I could conceivably see ‘pain in Harry Reid’s ass’ – which is indeed Ted Cruz’s intent, and possibly chief amusement while on the Senate floor – but ‘bully’ implies that a man who has spent a quarter-century in the Senate is somehow innately intimidated by a first-term junior Senator from Texas.

What a… fascinating revelation.  And potentially one that’s useful, as well.

Moe Lane

Harry Reid: American people too ignorant to figure out Obamacare on their own.

I can’t believe that Harry Reid actually said this (bolding mine):

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he shares colleagues’ concerns that the Affordable Care Act could become a “train wreck” if it’s not implemented properly.

Reid warned that people will not be able to choose health insurance plans on government health exchanges if federal authorities lack the resources to set them up and educate the public.

The stress must be getting to him.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, I’m sure that the Hill was paraphrasing whatever it was that Reid had actually said.  The real point is this: the Democrats are as scared as all get-out about how Obamacare is threatening to unfold on them.  As well they should be.