RS Interview: Jackie Walorski (R CAND, IN-02 PRI)

This should have gone up last week, but illness intervened.  You may remember Jackie from last cycle: she came incredibly close to to defeating incumbent Joe Donnelly in IN-02.  Since then, redistricting has resulted in a more Republican-friendly street, and Donnelly has since announced that he’s retiring in order to lose this year’s Senate race.  We talked about that, a bit about what’s changed (and what hasn’t changed since 2010, and I ask her a ‘gotcha’ question!

Well, it’s a question with more teeth than you might think.

Jackie’s site is here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

Joe Donnelly (D, IN-02; D-CAND, IN-SEN) curiously quiet on Indiana voter fraud.

OK, this needs a little background: it recently came out that Indiana Democrats had forged multiple signatures on the 2008 primary nominating petitions for both Barack Obama and  Hillary Clinton.  The situation was sufficiently bad that former Democratic governor (and Clinton supporter) Joe Kernan had to come out and announce that no, that wasn’t his signature on the Obama petition; in other words, it’s bad enough that the Democrats are having to do damage control right now.  The designated fall guy is apparently going to be St. Joseph County Democratic Chair Butch Morgan; he resigned last night.  Morgan is claiming that he did nothing wrong, but he’s resigning anyway.

Now, why this is kind of interesting is because Morgan was also the Democratic chair for Indiana’s second Congressional district.  Which is – oddly enough! – a Red district with a Blue Congressman.  One who is running for Congress. Continue reading Joe Donnelly (D, IN-02; D-CAND, IN-SEN) curiously quiet on Indiana voter fraud.

#rsrh Joe Donnelly (D, IN-02) lies.

You can get to the ad where he does so here – I don’t give Democrats free advertising – but he’s lying.  Joe Donnelly can claim to be for border security all he likes, but unless he plans to announce that he will not vote for, or caucus with, a Democrat leadership that refuses to properly secure the border then he is betting that the voters in Indiana’s Second District are amnesiac fools.

I suggest that folks vote for Jackie Walorski (see also here) instead, on the sensible notion that if you have a choice between an actual Republican and a Democrat trying to fake being one, you should avoid the fake…

Meet Jackie Walorski (R-CAND, IN-02).

Jackie has just [won] the primary for Indiana’s 2nd District: she’ll be facing incumbent Joe Donnelly, who was part of the 2006 Red to Blue sweep. While Cook rates this district as currently Likely Democratic, Republican primary participation in this district was almost double that of the Democrats‘; Jackie actually got more votes in the primary than Donnelly did.

Jackie’s website is here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.