In Nomine Revisited: Fear and Loathing in the Marches.

Fear and Loathing in the Marches – Google Docs

I wrote this one, back when Hunter S. Thompson went out the way that I think we all expected him to go out, the poor bastard. I think that it holds up well.  It was one of those stories where all I needed was the first line, and I was off and running.


Fear and Loathing in the Marches

An In Nomine Story

The only thing that really worried me was the ethereal. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Fear and Loathing in the Marches.

In Nomine Revisited: The Great Cow Race of 2003.

I ran this one at a couple of conventions.  Things got a little weird out towards the end, honestly.

Great Cow Race of 2003 – Google Docs

The Great Cow Race of 2003

By Moe Lane

Additional Bad Ideas by Jaymiel (and maybe others?)

It all started with a gang of Ofanim of the Wind – you know, stories that begin with that phrase never seem to end well. Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: The Great Cow Race of 2003.

In Nomine Revisited: Hellcows of Ronald

This wasn’t really all that serious, either.

HellCows of Ronald – Google Docs

HellCows of Ronald


The Prince of Cows absolutely refuses to seek out human servants (he gets a few, anyway, mostly servants of various demons ‘assigned’ to the Service of Cows). However, Ronald needs corporeal agents as badly as any other Demon Prince, so he’s come up with a fairly, ah, unique way of getting them.


Yes, he has Hellsworn cows.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Hellcows of Ronald

In Nomine Revisited: Ronald, Prince of Cows.

Yes. Actual cows.  It was not the most serious of writeups.

Ronald, Prince of Cows – Google Docs



Djinn Prince of Cows


The world…

(Stops and points)



Every organization has them, you know. Those who just don’t fit in properly. Those who just can’t get it. Those who can’t get a grip on reality, no matter how hard they try. You know: idiots.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Ronald, Prince of Cows.

In Nomine Revisited: Clarice, Lilim Princess of Ambition.

I had to go looking for this one.

Clarice, Lilim Princess of Ambition – Google Docs

Lilim Princess of Ambition

The world is there for the taking.

Such a tragedy, the death of Mammon — he was truly an inspiration to Hell. He showed such drive, such energy, such focus on promoting both his Word, and the War. It was tragic how Mammon lapsed first to despair, and then suicide. Tragic, and criminal: those that hounded him so should have contemplated how so many vital operations of Hell were jeopardized by their petty little internal quarrel with the Generous Prince. As it is, Mammon’s loss can never be made good.

Still, one must move with the times.
Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Clarice, Lilim Princess of Ambition.

In Nomine Revisited (and Revised): Rebels of the Sacred Heart.

I added some bits to this one because it needed them. Original was here.

Rebels of the Sacred Heart – Google Docs


Rebels of the Sacred Heart

(With apologies to Flogging Molly)


What are they rebelling against? Well, what have you got?

You’ve got a bunch of fascist, obsessive-compulsive humorless toads so hopped up on their own opinion of themselves that they think they have a chance against the Thing that created the ENTIRE UNIVERSE?

Them, then.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited (and Revised): Rebels of the Sacred Heart.