RIP, James Earl Jones.

Ninety three is a good run, and ‘revered’ is not an exaggeration. My prayers and condolences to his family and loved ones.

Via @baseballcrank.

Darth Vader returns to Star Wars.

Voiced by James Earl Jones… and not bodied by David Prowse. Apparently that particular feud was ported over to the new owners.  And I can’t… actually, I’ve decided to not have an opinion on said feud.  Life is too short.

As for Darth Vader being in Rogue One: well, geez, easier to have him in there than to say why he’s not, right?  I mean, it’s taking place when he’d be around, and all they need to do is to have James Earl Jones read some dialogue.  I assume that JEJ is hale enough to do that, and it’d be cool if he did.