If this is really the conventional wisdom about who’ll be the next DCCC chair: “After a nationwide thumping that leaves them with their smallest House minority in over 80 years, Democratic leaders are considering two rising stars in the party — Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro and Massachusetts Rep. Joe Kennedy — to lead a 2016 recovery effort” – then things are even worse for the Democratic party than I thought. Even Politico noted that either man’s major appeal would be in their last names – although Politico was a good deal more coy about mentioning either’s accomplishments, mostly because neither particularly has any – and the position of DCCC chair is going to be a thankless job in 2016*. The reality is, of course, that the Democratic party should – but will not – completely throw out its complete leadership. And I mean that down to the committee leadership positions. No Democratic Ranking Member or former Chair should have a Ranking Membership next year on any of the committees. Let the new people have all the slots, because the old ones clearly don’t have a clue.
…What? No, of course they won’t listen to me. If I thought that they would I wouldn’t write this.
Moe Lane
*They will probably fight with knives for the position for 2018, though.