Quote of the Day, I Wanna See A Series About John Wick’s Assassin Hotel, Too edition.

So the people over at this site called Inverse were geeking out about John Wick 2 – which I will happily geek out over myself, because John Wick was awesome and I’m gonna go see the sequel as soon as it comes out – and one of them had this to say about what he wanted to see in the next film:

Sam Eifling: More of the Continental Hotel. In fact, every time I read about filming happening somewhere in Brooklyn, I get pissed, because that means they’re going to set scenes outside the Continental. Here you have an assassin hotel where the only house rule is No Assassinating People and still it’s a carnival of attempted (and successful) hits. That sleazy-hot bar in the basement — Ian McShane’s evil ass is still down there somewhere, handing out tips on how to find/kill gangsters and tipping gold coins on every third negroni. We know Lance Reddick hasn’t been doing dick-else but deadlifting and drinking protein shakes since The Wire wound down, so putting him back behind the front desk as the stately manager-fixer-shusher is a must. That weary taxidermist of a doctor they have on staff — what’s his back story? He’s like the Dr. Nick of hardcore underworld triage surgery. The only acceptable excuse for not planting the John Wick sequel deeper in that universe is if Lionsgate is intending to license that section of the property off for a standalone 13-episode Netflix series in 2018.

I would totally watch that Netflix series.  Thirteen episodes sounds about right; enough to tell a story, no need to pad it out further, boom, you’re done.  If you end up thinking up another story, you can do another thirteen episodes.  If not, no harm, no foul.  I approve of this serial entertainment model; I well and truly do.

Movie of the Week: “John Wick.”

Really, this one is more of a reminder that it’s time for me to pick up John Wick.  If you haven’t seen it yet, well: the Atlantic review title was “John Wick: An Idiot Killed His Puppy and Now Everyone Must Die” – and that was extremely accurate.  It’s a fun flick, but if you don’t want to see Keanu Reeves play an assassin out to avenge his dog ON EVERYONE* then you won’t want to see this.

And so, adieu to WKRP In Cincinnati: The Complete Series.

Continue reading Movie of the Week: “John Wick.”

Went to go see John Wick.

Short version: if, like myself, you are the sort of person who can see a review from the Atlantic with the title “John Wick: An Idiot Killed His Puppy and Now Everyone Must Die” and say to yourself This sounds intriguing: I should maybe go see it then you will enjoy this movie.  It’s not the best movie in the world, or the best action movie, or even the best Keanu Reeves movie* – but it’s a solidly entertaining flick.  If you want to watch a movie where a retired hitman kills everybody bad who was even remotely associated with murdering his dog.

Continue reading Went to go see John Wick.

John Wic… hAHAHA … John Wick Trail… HAHAHAHA…. John Wick trailer.

This is unintentionally funny because there’s a guy in the roleplaying game designer community named John Wick, and he’s known for campaigns where you’re grateful if you just get out alive.

Mind you, the apparent motivation for the protagonist’s resumption of his former life is pretty much the sort of thing that you would find in many a roleplaying game campaign.

Moe Lane

PS: You know, I might actually go see this.  It’s just barely absurd enough to be worth a further look.