So, I’m confused.
- You see, I know that the Wisconsin Supreme Court did a full-force smackdown of Judge MaryAnn Sumi’s incorrect and egregious attempt to subvert the will of the Wisconsin legislature with regard to labor union reform. That part is obvious.
- I also know that (Democratic) Secretary of State Doug La Follette is trying to give his party’s Big Labor cronies two more weeks at the public troughs by trying to delay publishing the bill until the 28th. Like Ann Althouse (and presumably Glenn Reynolds), I’m not sure why La Follette thinks that he can get away with it, but I understand the gambit.
- What I don’t get is this: if the bill hasn’t been published (and thus not law), why did Big Labor get to file suit against it*? And if Big Labor can file suit against it, then it’s law – and Secretary La Follette’s wrong about a key aspect of his job, right?
Seriously, while I am not a lawyer, I still don’t see exactly how the Democrats can have it both ways on this. Either it’s law or it’s not. If it’s not, then they shouldn’t be able to file a lawsuit. If it is, then La Follette is ignorant of his responsibilities. The Left should not be able to pick and choose like this.
Moe Lane
*Frivolously, as Hot Air rightly notes: differential treatment of various types of workers goes all the way back to Taft-Hartley. Good luck trying to overthrow that one, folks.
PS: Yes, I’ve already had somebody privately tell me that common sense sometimes has very little to do with the law.