Lawrence Lessig upset that the Democrats aren’t interested in treating him as people.

I am torn. Ever so torn. On the one hand, Lawrence Lessig is actually correct; the DNC doesn’t want to have him on the debate stage. In fact, the DNC doesn’t want there to be an actual debate at all. They want a quiet, boring, and above all cheap primary season, so as to maximize the amount of time Hillary Clinton spends in cryostasis. The DNC cannot control the situation completely, but they can by God control the presence of Lawrence Lessig, so they shall.

On the other hand; this is how the Democratic party operates. This is always how the Democrat party has operated. The Democratic party leadership has always been adamantly against allowing any kind of genuinely populist – even the twisted, sad, bitter examples of it that manage to half-grow on the Left – sentiment to drive policy. Lessig is supposedly an educated man; surely he understands that the party of Wilson and FDR would think of him and his as useful idiots who look at their best when a firm boot is placed upon their necks. Continue reading Lawrence Lessig upset that the Democrats aren’t interested in treating him as people.