Dick Blumenthal (D CAND, CT-SEN) lies on cap-and-trade support.

Lying, in fact, is the best-case scenario. What happened is that Dick Blumenthal, when asked point-blank whether he supported cap-and-trade, told a constituent ‘no.’ Surprisingly unambiguously, as the video below shows:

Note the ‘cap-and-trade is dead’ bit: it’ll be important later. Continue reading Dick Blumenthal (D CAND, CT-SEN) lies on cap-and-trade support.

DOOM declared in CT by… Journal Inquirer.

I don’t pretend to be familiar with Connecticut newspapers, but judging from this article the J-I must be a Democratic-leaning one: there’s a palpable sense of angry disbelief that… that… that Linda McMahon could possibly be wrecking Dick Blumenthal’s smooth ascension to Countrywide Dodd’s Senate seat.  I mean, the author’s saying stuff about Blumenthal that I might hesitate to write, given that he’s – for now – still leading outside the margin of error:

Blumenthal is an even weaker candidate… gives an impression of total obsequiousness as a candidate… A politician who has no respect for himself… A politician who runs away from his party, his president, and his own record…  caught in an embarrassing fairy tale about his combat service in Vietnam… this performance was an award winner for political malpractice and tone-deafness…some sort of independent… The man is so afraid of losing that he is headed for a self-fulfilling prophecy par excellence…  Democrats in Washington and Chicago, calculating ways to hold the Senate should send their money to Delaware or Pennsylvania or Colorado… Unless Blumenthal gets a guts transplant, this race is gone; this candidate is hopeless, doomed, toast.

Bolding mine.  I never thought that I would see a Democrat in Connecticut say that about a Democratic candidate for Senate in 2010 not named Dodd.  At least, not before Labor Day. Continue reading DOOM declared in CT by… Journal Inquirer.

#rsrh Stolen Valor Act overthrown.

Admittedly, it’s the Ninth Circuit Court, so it’s even money whether or not that ruling stands. Yes, yes, it shouldn’t be and dice have no memory… but really: there’s a reason why “9th Circuit” is shorthand for “wacky judicial hi-jinks.”

Personally, I see no reason why I need to alter my elemental revulsion on the subject. Which is one reason why supporting the Linda McMahon campaign ended up being so easy for me…

Meet Linda McMahon (R CAND, CT-SEN).

Linda, of course, is running against CT AG Dick Blumenthal, who rather famously lied about his war record a few months back. We talked earlier today about the steadily-tightening race in Connecticut:

Linda has sites here and here; the latter is her MyLinda2010 site, and is geared towards activism.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

CT-SEN starts to reset.

A funny thing happened in Connecticut lately: the Senate race started tightening.

This Reuters article about the likely McMahon/Blumenthal match-up contains at least one major howler – to the best of my knowledge, Linda McMahon has never been an actual professional wrestler* – but the major point seems valid: McMahon has made up considerable ground in the last few months.  Of particular note is the latest Quinnipiac poll, which shows Blumenthal/McMahon at 50/40, and with McMahon actually edging out Blumenthal among independents.  Reuters suggests that this may be due to McMahon’s targeting of female voters:

[Sacred Heart University Professor Gary] Rose said McMahon’s commercials have effectively targeted middle- and upper middle-class women. Her current TV ads depict two well-dressed women driving in a black SUV and debating the merits of McMahon vs Blumenthal, noting she has not taken any money from special interest groups while Blumenthal went back on a vow not to accept such cash.

Continue reading CT-SEN starts to reset.