Funny. ERIN didn’t seem to have a problem, Ms. Downtain.

I had pretty much dismissed this WSJ article complaining about the lack of a particular social class of women being able to marry on their level as being vaguely pointless and offensive (my response was, as I recall, “So marry a plumber”) – but it had its purpose, after all: it (via POWIP) alerted me to this.

I almost want to get married again, so that I could try to do something like this trailer.

Moe Lane

Dante’s Inferno: the novelization!

Longfellow (whose translation* they’re using) would be… asking where his damn royalties were, actually:


Yeah.  They took the first book of the Comedy, slapped in some Dante’s Inferno-specific artwork and called it a ‘novelization‘.


Hey, Penny Arcade said it best: “fact is, sometimes you got to lie to a motherf*cker.”  Only, without the asterisk.

Moe Lane

*I prefer the Ciardi translation, myself.