I should have known better.

When something appears that touches upon an expert’s primary field of study – for example, these shoes:


…and it doesn’t immediately appear on that expert’s blog, it might be because he or she hadn’t seen it yet. But then, it might also be because said expert hit that stuff two years ago, as he very civilly pointed out in comments.

Also: I am ‘super-fantastic.’  Which I personally feel is an excellent affirmation with which to start my work week.

Moe Lane

Danger Pudding. For the cook who has something to *prove*.

Via Plumcake of Manolo for the Big Girl. And the name means it. You do this recipe wrong, the pudding explodes.

This is not an exaggeration. The. Pudding. Explodes. There are, like, physics involved, and stuff. There will be metal bits flying around the kitchen, at reasonably high velocity. There will be a large amount of boiling, sticky, sugary liquid right behind it. The only way to avoid that is to monitor the pudding for several hours, in order to make sure that it doesn’t explode. So there’s a bit of a challenge to one’s fortitude, there.

Of course people say that Danger Pudding is delicious. Would you risk third-degree burns and facial scarring for something that was disgusting?

Moe Lane

…OK, I’ll stop now.