I have no idea if Ms. Marvel is going to be introduced in whatever Captain Marvel movie Marvel uses to reunite Mar-vell with Captain Marvel, assuming of course that Mar-Vell survives the upcoming Captain Marvel movie that Marvel’s releasing this year. After all, Marvel having Mar-Vell die nobly will certainly help establish Captain Marvel’s heroic stature, but Marvel might want to keep him around for the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Also left unsaid is whether Captain Marvel starts her Marvel movie as Ms. Marvel; if Captain Marvel does, then Marvel can have her become Captain Marvel when and if Mar-Vell sacrifices himself, thus allowing Ms. Marvel to become, well, Ms. Marvel because the name’s now free.
And then there’s the Shazam movie. Which has nothing to do with Sinbad. …Yeah, sorry about that.
Moe Lane
PS: I’d rather see Squirrel Girl first, obviously.