Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ own Bob Filner (D) gets a sexual harassment hotline!

No, not one that he can call, in order to do some:

The San Diego County Sheriff has set up a hotline to deal with sexual harassment claims against the city’s Mayor, democrat Bob “Filthy” Filner.

Ace of Spades HQ has more, including some of the latest allegations (which are rather bad), AND Nancy Pelosi’s careful unwillingness to react to the multiple-source allegations against Bob Filner.  As to why she is so unwilling? Well.  You might think that progressive women have been carefully taught never ever to criticize progressive alpha males, but I couldn’t possibly comment. Continue reading Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ own Bob Filner (D) gets a sexual harassment hotline!

Today’s the day @Sen_JoeManchin hits up liberal gun-grabbers for cash!

Remember this?

WASHINGTON – Mayor Bloomberg, who has spent millions of dollars to attack opponents of gun control, will raise hundreds of thousands this month for an advocate of tougher gun laws.

Bloomberg will host a July 22 fundraiser at his upper East Side home for Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), sources said. Tickets for the event start at $1,000.

Yeah, Sen. Manchin wishes that you wouldn’t – certainly he’s been shy about admitting that he was going to this shindig. But then, who could blame him?

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns is finding it hard to keep its membership up, thanks to dozens of resignations and lost elections over the last few months.

Worse for Bloomberg, who has become one of the faces of the gun control movement: the people replacing his lost comrades aren’t particularly eager to sign up with the organization, a rare group battling in the trenches against the well-organized and deep-pocketed National Rifle Association. Some appear not quite to have signed on for that level of political heat.

Continue reading Today’s the day @Sen_JoeManchin hits up liberal gun-grabbers for cash!

Mayors Against Illegal Guns supporters mourn death of… Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Wait. What?

The event had people supporting the Mayors Against Illegal Guns movement, founded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, reading the names of those “killed with guns” since the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary outside their “No More Names” bus.


Some of the loudest shouts came when a reader spoke the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects who was killed by police during a gunfight.

There are people who are UPSET that Tamerlan Tsarnaev got shot? And not because we can’t read information off of a corpse’s brain*? God, but Mike Bloomberg’s got some seriously freaky supporters. Continue reading Mayors Against Illegal Guns supporters mourn death of… Tamerlan Tsarnaev.