Mirror Ninja
Mirror Ninja are very dark blue-skinned humanoids of extra-dimensional origins. While they’re about the same size as Humans, they typically aren’t as quite bulky. Their features are regular enough and close enough to those of other humanoid races to be attractive, while still being different enough to not look disturbingly distorted. Most Mirror Ninja have very dark red-black hair; their men have facial hair. Their eyes and teeth are almost exactly like those of Humans. Mirror Ninja cannot interbreed with any other known race.
Mirror Ninja get their name from their ability to use mirrors as portals from this plane of existence to an adjacent one (rather unsurprisingly called Mirror-space). Any reflective surface that’s large enough to allow a Mirror Ninja pass through can be used; Mirror Ninja have been observed jumping through puddles, buffed metal surfaces, and sufficiently polished granite. A Mirror Ninja can bring about thirty pounds or so of gear along; however, living creatures cannot be brought through. Mirror Ninja typically favor wearing loose trousers and hooded tunics of as dark a color as they can manage, mostly to avoid wearing anything reflective.