Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope that every household that celebrated it had a good one. We mostly kept it low-key here at Chez Lane: my wife got her chocolate-covered strawberries, I’m taking her out for waffles as soon as the special waffle place is open this week, and I volunteered to do the filthy parts of the chores list. Oh, and my kids got their mom cards and a stuffed bear. It was a time.

Happy Mother’s Day!

I hope you all got the mothers in your lives the thing she probably wants most.  I refer, of course, to a sudden diversionary action that will allow her to grab the car keys, sprint to the door, and spend a couple of hours in blessed peace and serenity somewhere else. If you didn’t… I dunno: clean out her car, maybe?  That always seems to be worth some easy points, particularly when it’s been warm out and Tupperware is involved.

Yes, I know that that can end up being disgusting.  That’s why cleaning it up is a present.  See how that goes?

So, anyway: Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I shooed my wife out the door so that she could go do a local Sheep and Wool Festival. And promised to get the next cleaning of the upstairs bathroom (that’s usually her chore). It’s the little things that make the difference, really.

…Look, it’s beautiful here and in a large part of the country. Go outside! Feel the breeze! Nag, nag, nag…

Moe Lane

PS: And call your mother!