Tweet of the Day, There But For The Grace Of God Goes The RedState Gathering edition.

The zenith of Netroots Nation has probably already occurred, yes.

What makes this more than a little ironic is that next year the theme of the conference will be Shaddap and support the nominee.  Who will either be Hillary Clinton, who didn’t even bother to attend this year; or else Bernie Sanders, who was hounded from the stage today.  Either would be fine, from my point of view.

Netroots Nation flees Right Online!

Into ‘the peace and safety of a new dark age,’ no doubt.

Let me note, by the way, that I’ve never actually been to Right Online – nothing against it; I just haven’t been able to justify that and the RS Gathering and CPAC (and the GOP convention next year) – and so I have no idea how downright awful it was for Netroots Nation folks to be faced with real, live conservatives who are Oh my god there’s one RIGHT THERE and I called him a nasty name last week and my nametag says who I am and everything and he’s going to know me and I can’t get to the elevator in time and thank god he didn’t make eye contact and that’s good because I would have laid into him and Oh my god there’s one RIGHT THERE…


Anyway, I suspect that there’s some mental trauma going on, there.  Which is their privilege, of course: far be it from me to criticize somebody else’s neuroses, if only because my own are quite stellar, really.  But still, I have to say that this: Continue reading Netroots Nation flees Right Online!