Here’s a few questions for Harry Reid to chew on while he contemplates this comment by Byron York about the fallout from the so-called ‘nuclear option:’
…nearly everything the Senate does requires that senators first agree to direct the body’s attention to this or that subject. That is usually done through a routine procedure called unanimous consent. But if just one senator wants to stop things, he or she can.
“Most people underestimate the importance of unanimous consent and how it will, if denied, slow down the operations of the Senate, perhaps to a halt,” says John Cornyn, the number-two ranking Republican in the Senate. “I can foresee a circumstance where every time there is an effort to do something on the floor, there is going to be an objection, and that will string out for a long time.”
…and they go like this: Continue reading Harry Reid is not thinking smart on the ‘nuclear option.’