#rsrh QotD, I have a better suggestion, NADA.

Short version: the National Automobile Dealers’ Association (NADA) estimated that the new rules for car emissions will end up causing about seven million potential car buyers (read: the poorest ones) to not be able to actually afford buying another car. While this might be the actual goal for Team Obama, Doug Greenhaus (“chief regulatory counsel for environment, health, and safety for NADA”) pointed out that the purpose of said rules was ostensibly to save car owners money, not force them to accept lower socioeconomic levels because they can’t afford transportation. Anyway, the NADA raises this hope:

…Grenhaus and NADA suggest the Obama Administration and NHTSA study the impact the rules will have on buyers before moving forward.

I have a better suggestion, myself. Fire Obama in November, and have it made clear to NHTSA that they’ll join him in the private sector if they don’t stop mucking about like this. It’s amazing what firing a few bureaucrats can do towards making the rest of them suddenly take a more conciliatory attitude towards the rest of us.

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, I’m Glad To Hear It Too, Timmy Edition.

Background: in the hope of reminding people of their existence, the Louisiana Democratic party  fake-endorsed Bobby Jindal for VP, in the hopes that this will get him out of Louisiana.  Lord knows that the Democrats haven’t been successful any other way – and, hey!  I guess that this means that the LA Democratic party is conceding that Obama will lose in November.

Anyway, Jindal advisor Timmy Teepell came up with the thought that immediately came to my mind:

I’m glad to hear there’s still a Democratic Party in Louisiana…

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, I’m Glad To Hear It Too, Timmy Edition.

#rsrh QotD, I Knew That This Day Would Come Edition.

Bill Plante of CBS News – yes, one of the Big Three – upon hearing White House Press Secretary Jay Carney yet again try to spin away the fact that President Obama said something extremely stupid Monday about judicial review:

“What he said on Monday was an obvious misspoken moment, because he talked about the Court not being in the position to overturn acts of Congress. You‘re standing up there twisting yourself in knots because he made a mistake and you can’t admit it.”

More here, including the video (H/T: AoSHQ). Some of you are shocked: personally, I am not. I have long taken the position that the Media’s favorite story is The God Who Turned Out To Be A Man After All; when push comes to shove they hunger for that story, and quiver with eagerness to tell it. As the President will be discovering, this go-round.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, the press loves Obama. Just like I love a grilled ribeye, cooked medium, with a side of mashed potatoes and steamed green beans, and don’t stint on the butter.

#rsrh QotD, Avoid The Luxury of Self-Righteousness Edition.

From SM Stirling’s alternate history The Tears of the Sun. Background: …too long to explain; suffice it to say that the heroes are being a bit standoffish towards someone who was until-quite-recently an ally of one of the major villains. And the attitude of said heroes is not really flying with the local holy man:

The lama sighed and looked around at the others; the firelight picked out his wrinkles, like the hills and valleys of a mysterious country. Beyond gleamed the peaks of mountains where bear and cougar and tiger roamed, and men as savage as either.

“My friends,” he said gently, “self-righteousness is the fumes of decomposing vanity; it is the means the Devil’s Guard use to cloud the vision of those who truly love virtue. If someone is far along a journey to destruction, shall you hate them for waking to their situation, and turning about, and taking even a single halting half step back? Will that encourage them to take a second step, and a third? Or will it minister only to the darkness in our own souls?”

I know, I know: but nobody ever said being good was easy.

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, His Expectations Were Too High Edition.

It was either that response, or hysterical laughter, to this wry comment by Guy Benson about Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s inability to come up with fresh Democratic agitprop demonizing Paul Ryan:

Perhaps my expectations were too high, but I at least expected them to brainstorm a list of new unhinged descriptions of this year’s Republican budget.

And hysterical laughter is dull to read if one does too much of it.

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, remember when the Democrats pretended to be fiscally responsible?  Yeah, I know, I didn’t believe it either – but they still pretended.  Quite well, in fact: they even convinced a lot of decent folks to believe them.  That’s… pretty distasteful of the Democratic party’s leadership, really.

[UPDATE]: I knew that I had seen this somewhere else first. It was driving me nuts.

#rsrh QotD, Let’s Not Eat Our Seed Corn Edition.

Ed Morrissey, in the process of explaining why Marco Rubio should not be the VP nominee in 2012*:

Yes, I know Obama only had two years in the Senate before beginning his run for the top spot.  Look how well that’s working out.

Although I’m sure Barack Obama means well.  Or, to quote Robert Anton Wilson, I’m sure he means something.

Moe Lane

*Essentially, it’s the lack of executive experience in general and the only been in the Senate for a little over a year in particular.  I fully agree.  Two terms as Senator: a term as Florida Governor; then Rubio can be President.  Rubio’s a young guy, so we’ve got time to wring out a decent decade’s worth of work out of him.

#rsrh Quote of the Day, Every Obama Voter Should See This Edition.

Ace of Spades, telling you folks what you probably already knew.

It’s not that you were foolish. It’s that he and the media lied to you.

I admit that I am a partisan Republican hack, so it’s perfectly reasonable to discount the argument.  Still, the next time you’re at the pump, or looking at the grocery bill, or talking to your cousin that still doesn’t have a job, take a second and ask yourself: Was this what you signed up for?

If it is, OK.  You’re an adult and you made an adult decision.  If there’s no remorse, there’s no remorse.  But if there is remorse… well, the next man or woman who makes it through life without being fooled at least by a fancy-talking smooth operator will be the first.  There’s no shame in it, but you shouldn’t let people pull the same trick on you twice, either…

Moe Lane

PS: Hey, I’m sure that Barack Obama means well.

#rsrh QotD, …Do You REALLY Want Ed To Answer That Question, Mr. President? Edition.

Barack Obama, asking Ed Henry what Obama fondly thinks is a rhetorical question:

Ed, just from a political perspective, do you think the President of the United States going into re-election wants gas prices to go up higher?

…because it’s not a rhetorical question to the rest of us, Mr. President. It is, in fact, a bit of a puzzle.  Because that’s what you’re, well, doing.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh QotD, …Do You REALLY Want Ed To Answer That Question, Mr. President? Edition.

QotD, I’m Doing The Same Damn Thing Edition.

Erick Erickson, on our current lineup:

Here’s the long and the short of it — Super Tuesday approaches. I live in Georgia. And I am pretty sure I am voting for either Herman Cain or Rick Perry because I am just not sold on the final four.

Continue reading QotD, I’m Doing The Same Damn Thing Edition.

#rsrh QotD, …Dear God. FIREDOGLAKE Edition.

Believe me, it’s alarming to me, too: but Jon Walker has a point here about Obama’s excitingly new position on Super PACs.

When the Supreme Court handed down its Citizens United ruling, Obama still had one of the largest Democratic majorities in Congress in decades.  But Democrats still didn’t do anything about it. If they viewed that holding as truly critical, the Democrats could have passed a law addressing the issue. Passing legislation about campaign finance reform was simply not a priority for the Obama administration.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, …Dear God. FIREDOGLAKE Edition.