Washington Post’s The Fix concedes that universal voter registration is linked to fraud.

This is one heck of a Freudian slip, honestly.



For one thing, they would probably seize on the chance to attack her for favoring another government mandate and federal encroachment on states, and also to argue that government mandated registration could produce other types of fraud.” – Bolding mine, and I’m kind of pleased that we’re just admitting for once something that everybody already knows: which is, that there’s inherently just something in mandatory voting registration that doesn’t hate a fraud.  I feel that it’s good for Left-pundits to reach this plateau, as George Carlin might have said.  It gives all an opportunity to advance the debate.

Moe Lane

PS: No, by the way. I think that we can avoid mandated voter registration on the federal level for some time to come.  States with full Democratic control are perfectly free to set their own policies in this, of course… although finding states that fit that description has been getting harder and harder to do, of late.

Connecticut discovering that Scary Gun control is harder than it looks.

Both Reason and Instapundit have both roundly castigated the Hartford Courant’s faintly hysterical (in all senses of the term) editorial calling for Connecticut cops to harass Connecticut gun owners into providing something better than a 15% registration rate (at best) for their Scary Evil Devil-Guns “military-style assault weapons.” Goodness knows the editorial deserved it, given that it seems to have been written by one of the most politically tone-deaf people in the country.  I especially enjoyed this pious hope of the Courant’s:

Although willful noncompliance with the law is doubtless a major issue, it’s possible that many gun owners are unaware of their obligation to register military-style assault weapons and would do so if given another chance.

Continue reading Connecticut discovering that Scary Gun control is harder than it looks.