We elect far too many Constitutional illiterates to high office.

Yes, I know: you’re looking at the screen and nodding slowly, as you would towards somebody who has blurted out an ‘insight’ that everyone else in the room had had five minutes ago.

(CNSNews.com) –  When asked where specifically the Constitution authorized Congress to mandate that individuals buy health insurance, Sen. Jack Reed (D.-R.I.) said that he “would have to check the specific sections” but said that it was like making people “sign up for the draft.”

And in fact I had already worked said insight out a while ago.  But… sometimes you just have to come out and repeat the obvious, dammit.

Via Dan Collins‘ Twitter.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Woonsocket Tea Party group stops supplemental tax increase.

It was originally expected to pass, no problem. But then a bunch of people showed up and… well. 6-1 for became 4-3 against.

WOONSOCKET — Faced with a heavy outpouring of opposition from property owners, the City Council last night narrowly defeated a supplemental tax bill to wipe out a School Department deficit of $3.7 million.


The measure would have given the city authority to hike all classes of taxes — residential, business and business equipment — about 10 percent. The average homeowner would have paid roughly an extra $231 this fiscal year.

Though the hike would have been about the same on small businesses percentage-wise, they would have paid significantly more since they are already taxed at a higher rate.

(H/T: Michelle Malkin, Glenn Reynolds, and check out this Jim Geraghty piece). Continue reading Woonsocket Tea Party group stops supplemental tax increase.