Location Seed: Sedalia Battlefield Memorial Park.

Sedalia Battlefield Memorial Park

This installation was only recently discovered, as it was buried under quite a bit of silt in the Sedalia Reservoir just south of Sedalia, Missouri.  Presumably, this was done deliberately, although when it comes to determining intent the historical records are inconclusive, at best.  Which last is a common feature in when it comes to the Sedalia Battlefield Memorial Park.

Assuming that the entire Park is dredged, it will reveal a set of five small stone buildings set in a circle around a small cenotaph. The non-stone interiors of the buildings have long since rotted away, of course: but each building has marble statues of representatives of the inhabitants of each continent (Eurasia is one building) and some surviving stained-glass windows showing famous people or events.  There are suggestions of kneeling pews and curtains, but only faint ones. Continue reading Location Seed: Sedalia Battlefield Memorial Park.