Speaking objectively: is there, in point of fact, a good way to answer this question?
You better practice saying "Governor Beauprez"folks. -Hickenlooper says what?!?!? http://t.co/wDmWU27HjG
— Aaron Gardner (@Aaron_RS) October 25, 2014
I mean, I understand that not all sex offenders are, say, pedophiles. But I’m personally trying to think of a class of sex offender that I’d want around my kids anyway, and I’m kind of drawing a blank. As did, apparently, Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado. Alas for him, he signed off on a policy of letting sex offenders work with kids without violating the sex offender’s parole and I didn’t, so his inability to justify that is a problem.
Moe Lane
PS: I happen to think, by the way, that there are serious problems with making two minors sex offenders. Apparently, so does John Hickenlooper… but, again, I’m a guy on the Internet and he’s the governor of Colorado. Why hasn’t he done something about the situation?