Shattered Space is out for Starfield.

So I’ve been playing it. Well, after they got Starfield Script Extender to work, at least. One entertaining thing that’s come up is Bethesda’s weird little habit of trying to pump up the drama of having my character join yet another faction. I’m always amused by that. Like I’m going to buy the DLC and not play it? So yeah, yeah, hail the Great Serpent and show me the cool ship I’m gonna have at the end of this which I’ll never fly because I actually got the corridors* to work right on my current starship. And I can go from one level to another without having to jump down some stairs.

Sorry. It’s just that it took forever to figure out how to do that. I’m gonna brag about it.

*Starfield desperately needs some designated four-way and two-way corridors that are clearly labeled. They got it working for Fallout 4, they can get it working here.
