At this point I am 63% done, on target for numbers, and I’m starting to recognize that I need to go back and put more themes of smallness and restriction into the text*. It’s turning out to be important. Snippet here.
Moe Lane
At this point I am 63% done, on target for numbers, and I’m starting to recognize that I need to go back and put more themes of smallness and restriction into the text*. It’s turning out to be important. Snippet here.
Moe Lane
I dunno whether my cold or whatever this is today helped or hurt that, honestly. I was kind of focused, but I don’t know how much of it is crap. But I’m back on track! 57% done!. Snippet here.
Deficit back down below 1K words. I hated whiffing yesterday, but it was just too hard to concentrate. Of course, I may be coming down with a cold now. Anyway: snippet here.
Days like this are why I have a buffer: not quite my daily number, but I had some leeway. I may also have to cut some of today’s out, as it’s feeling like it drags a little. Snippet here.
Had to seriously think about this fight scene. ‘Tis a horrible thing when you realize that your Marty Stu can’t fight three vampires at once*. Snippet here.
Another day, another 2K words. 40% done at this point; I guess that we’re getting there. Today’s snippet here.
Back on the treadmill! Getting there, getting there. Probably gonna be some vampire sexin’ later this week, though, so never mind my self-shocked look. Snippet here.
Traveled Friday, got 2K+ words done Saturday, muscled through another 3.4K words today. Needed to get back on track, and by God I did it. Snippet here.
Yeah. Today was the day that I had to write some of the sexin’. And wasn’t that indirectly entertaining, too. Snippet’s here, but before you click; ain’t none of the sexin’ is in there. Not out of prudery, but on account that I can’t imagine that it won’t mortify everybody who reads it.
Almost didn’t get this done: it turned out the time that I had blocked out to do something was not actually free time for me. But it all got done in the end. Snippet here.