12/09/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.

The Bad Week!

He didn’t need to ask her what she meant by the term. “As well as we could. We managed to get all but one of the surviving domes under lockdown, but the mutineers in Bloch Dome had somehow managed to disable the HVAC control, so we had to go in and stun them by hand. That was Hell.”

By now the memory didn’t suddenly flash into his brain. It ambled in, almost comfortably: They were still in the life-support tubes when the mutineers stumbled upon them. Tobias’s team had been offered no quarter by their foes, and it was all that Tobias could do to keep his troops from responding in kind. He’d had to stun one of his own team to keep her from strangling a stringy-haired maniac after they’d finally dragged him off the soldier he’d been disemboweling with a rusty saw.

“Stunners? You were lucky, Commander. We had no stunners, no pacification gas after the first week — the fool that Bruno replaced saw to that! — and not enough hibernation drugs. But when our rebels had been taken? Oh, we had knives. Such a helpful crowd control measure, knives. Cheap, simple, no power, no moving parts. Just an edge and a throat.”

Reithner’s eyes may have been open, but they were looking at nothing in the room. “They cycled us all through crowd control at first, you know. And we all did it. Even Bruno took a turn, slicing the throats of those too violent and insane to trust. But you could tell right away who among us hated it, and who did not. The ones who did not somehow found themselves on the rotation more often. They even volunteered! And we did not forbid them.”

12/09/2024 Snippet, BANSHEE BEACH.

Time-delay joke!

“Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “We don’t always do that, either. You can’t go around thinking…” I abruptly shut up.

“That the big, bad Dominion ambassador of the North can’t be looking everywhere, surely?” I would have said her smile was melancholy, except Dominion Archmages are supposedly allergic to the stuff. “You’d be right, too. Except sometimes she can.” She took a drag. “I’m sure she enjoys those little moments when it’s unnecessary. A meal and a walk along the boardwalk is probably as much time as she can hope for. Ah, this is my hotel.”

I gave it a peer. The Cochimi Ritz wasn’t as flashy as the Xanadu, but it looked… cozier. Probably quieter. Absolutely I wouldn’t be able to get past the front door if I had a signed note from the King. Or if they had a sudden bout of ‘dead body in the library.’ That skeleton key lets me in everywhere.

“It suits you, ‘Betty.’” I gave her a nice little bow, because Lucas can kiss a hand, and not look ridiculous. “Enjoy the rest of your evening. Will you be here long?”

“For a while, Mr. Vargas, for a while. Thank you for dessert and the walk, by the way. I found it restful. I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

I waited until she was half up the stairs. “You, too! Oh, and there was just one other thing…”

She turned to me, quizzical. “Yes, Mr. Vargas?”

I gave her my best smirk. “Don’t call me Shirley.”

That might have been the first time I’ve ever heard the Banshee laugh.

12/08/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.

Lunar lairs have to be smmmmaaaaal…

It’s actually not very hard to secure a man in a spacesuit; control his air, and you control him. Supposedly the local environment was habitable, but Tobias didn’t trust those readings for a moment. Judging by the generally horrible features of his captors, there were probably all sorts of contaminants down here.

Subconsciously, Tobias had been expecting a long, torturous journey through endless passages and caverns, but that was ridiculous. All of this atmosphere had to brought in, heated, and kept from escaping, after all. There could be no luxuries like a vast complex. Not on the moon. Instead… just down the way was a door, which led to a three-story atrium. That had a collection of rooms scooped ouf of the rock, and that was the end of the matter. 

Whether or not it was the end of them would be a different story.

12/07/2024 Snippet, CALL OF THE MOON BEASTS.

Starting to finally figure this one out.

“I’m sorry to say that Marcin was rather good at puzzles,” Lillian told him. Tobias had decided that reading her into the situation was safe enough; he trusted her, Asenath trusted her, and there wasn’t anything else for a lunar geologist to do right now. Besides, she knew Marcin from Dee Station.

“He enjoyed working out old collisions from the asteroid tracking data,” Lillian went on. “He always said it helped him quiet the part of the brain that kept him from painting. He was good at those, too. Not a master, mind you, but he could have made a go at it if being a lunar researcher hadn’t worked out.”

“Was he one of the, ah, interesting ones at Dee Station?” Tobias asked her as he studied what images existed of Grabinski’s work. He had been a neo-graffitist, so most of his work obviously was back at the abandoned British facility.

“Interesting-interesting, or interesting-barking mad?” Lillian shrugged. “The former, I’d say. He had his little ways, like the rest of us, but he would sit with people at meals and come to parties. I think he had a fellow, back on” — she waved up, all the while keeping her eyes resolutely anywhere but in the direction of Earth — “You Know Where. I know he took it hard when everything happened. Even when we still talked about it, he chose not to talk about it. I suppose he never saw the point.”

12/07/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.

No translation!

Tobias was not a small man, nor had he neglected his exercise training on the Moon. He still staggered when one of the attackers casually shoved him against the wall, then pulled out the cleaver that had been strapped to the side. The few lights set in the passageways that still worked made the cleaver-man’s face into a nightmare of shadow and scar, with a sneer that could have been carved into the very bone below. “Ein dicker Amerikaner,” he spit. “Gut. Das beste Fleisch muss eine Weile abgehangen werden.”

Beside him, Reitner gasped. “Warte! Bist du auch Schweizer?

That stopped the cleaver-man cold. He looked Reitner up, down, then gestured at the two attackers who had grabbed Reitner. “Zeig mir dein Gesicht,” the cleaver-man barked. Tobias decided that this was definitely German, but not quite the version still spoken in some parts of the EU. It sounded more guttural, and with fewer Euro loan-words.

The man must have said something like Reveal yourself!, because Reithner promptly made her helmet fully transparent. She looked… well, like Hell, Tobias admitted. We all do. Too-pale skin with frozen sapphire eyes, and her hair was buzzed too short to tell the color. But the set and shape of her face oddly matched the attackers’. You could believe that they and she were related, and that thought filled Tobias with both horror, and pity.

12/05/2024 Snippet, BANSHEE BEACH.


“Depends, compa… Shamus. I mean, maybe there’s some simoleons in it for me if I figure it out?”

“Maybe there would be,” I promptly agreed. “Lucas?”

The look Lucas gave me at that was anything but blank. Dirty as hell, in fact. He still didn’t bobble as he pulled out a bankroll and peeled off some monroes. But when Bananas reached for them, Lucas smoothly raised his money-laden hand out of reach. “So, hey, friend. Do you know what happens when an Adventurer pays for information and then somebody tries to welch out of it?”

“Ah… no?” offered Bananas.

Lucas smiled. Technically. “Are you eager to find out?”

12/05/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.

We really need to get this one to bed. The other one, too.

He wasn’t the only one disquieted by their surroundings. “Twisty passages, all alike,” he heard Buckley mutter at one point. “Bo– sir, I think that a lot of this is fresh.”

“Fresh?” asked Reithner. She was still steadier than Tobias had expected. Possibly even steadier than he was. “You think these people still have enough energy to dig? Without machines, no-one would waste calories on that.” She sniffed. “Even with machines, what would be the point?”

Tobias’s light unfortunately found a metal plate that had been hung on the wall. Dimly-remembered and particularly unwelcome memories let him recognize the stylized features of Madam Corpse-Mask.This etching had been done by somebody with real skill, somehow managing to evoke both her skeleton body, and the flayed sacrificial face she wore. The outlined horror almost glowed, even after he hastily moved his light elsewhere. Was there a hint of it still on his retinas? Surely not.

“If these people are Red Imperial cultists, Lieutenant,” he managed to say calmly, “then we should try not to understand their point. We might succeed.”

12/03/2024 Snippet, CALL OF THE MOON-BEASTS.

Skating around the issue!

Tobias could dimly remember a time when he liked to be proved right. Those days were as dead as… a lot of things. Anyway, he found figuring out the right answer considerably less pleasant when all of the potential answers had been horrible anyway. He also purely hated making Abbie have to process the impossible. It felt like a betrayal, or possibly even an attack. But what could he do? Gravitational and environmental anomalies were an engineering issue. Somebody would have to deal with this intrusive mess.

He told himself later that it could have been worse. Abbie didn’t vomit, have a panic attack, or start bleeding from the nose or ears. She just wouldn’t make herself look at the anomaly, once she had worked out the exact dimensions of the effect. She also stopped bothering to use her scanner, after its first attempts to analyze the area produced nothing but feedback and cacophony. “Forget about shutting it down, sir,” she told him. “I can’t know how.”

Tobias understood her word choice perfectly. He was already restraining himself from giving the room another long look, or visit. Or maybe he would just move in, and ignore the universe until it finally got around to killing him. Keeping his distance was the smartest answer. “Understood. Is the effect, ah, fluctuating at all? Getting bigger, getting smaller?”

12/02/2024 Snippet, TIMMY AND THE BAD PLACE.

Not as much done as I’d like, but I’m still feeling my way in this story.

Timmy wasn’t surprised that Frostvale Pines was really clean, especially the parts that were supposed to be dirty. The worst parts of the town didn’t smell bad at all, and were one good sweeping from being pristine. The people were different, too. No bad breath, no skin problems, nobody skinny or too fat, and everybody’s teeth gleamed. They all looked like they were from what Timmy remembered of TV, but they would, wouldn’t they? Everybody sounded the same, too. Even the bums — who looked like everybody else, except for a couple of smudges on their faces — talked like they went to college.

He’d been warned about that ahead of time. It wasn’t a glamour, or anything like that. The rules were just different here. Things either didn’t break, or were really easy to fix.

What surprised Timmy was that he wasn’t resentful about how nice Frostvale Pines was. He was sort of expecting to be, since he’d grown up rough and everything, but the town just wasn’t real enough to be worth getting mad over. It’d be like getting mad at a play.

12/02/2024 Snippet, CALL OF THE MOON-BEASTS.

Lack of art!

He looked around, blinking unconsciously at the strain of standing up suddenly. Grabinski kept a neat room, even by the standards of the increasingly resource-starved lunar colonies. He had a bed, a perfunctory shower/bathroom combination stripped down to the fixtures, and a desk. There were no personal touches. Not even a toothbrush.

There was also no art. “Check me, Asenath,” Tobias wheezed. He could feel his entire upper respiratory system loosening up under the sudden humidity, only it wasn’t actually pleasant. “No sign of Grabinski drawing on the walls themselves, right?”

Correct, Commander. Do you see the discolorations on the wall?

“Yeah. Grabinski must have been hoarding sticky tape.” He bit down on the sudden spike of white-hot, murderous rage the thought had triggered. “Or maybe he had something else. Anyway, either he didn’t do any painting here, or he took it with him when he left. When was the last time he was here?”