Continue reading Solomon Grant VIII [GURPS 4e]Solomon Grant VIII [300 pt]
Attributes [112]: ST 10, DX 10, IQ 15 [100], HT 10, HP 10, Will 15, Per 15, FP 14 [12]
Social Background:
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: English (Native) [0]; French (Native/Native) [6].
Advantages [121]: Destiny (Major) [10], Eidetic Memory [5], Magery (3) [30], Magery 0 [5], Patron (Order of the Eagle) (9 or less; Secret; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power) [25], Reputation (Military Writer) (1) (All the time; Almost everyone) [5], Sage (3) [30], Status (+1) [5]
Disadvantages [-65]: Bad Sight (Nearsighted) (Glasses) [-10], Code of Honor (Professional) [-5],
Curious (6 or less; 12 or less) [-10], Duty (Magician for the Order) (9 or less (fairly often)) [-5], Duty (Teaching) (9 or less (fairly often)) [-5], Fanaticism (The United States of America) [-15], Secret Identity (Utter Rejection) [-10], Truthfulness (12 or less) [-5]
Quirks [-5]: Chauvinistic [-1], Drinks only historical beers [-1], Obsession (Learn everything about American military) [-1], Peppers speech with archaic sayings [-1], Reads most fantasy fiction for laughs [-1]