Tricky to snippet, this.
“I admit that I’m surprised,” he admitted with a smile. “I didn’t think geologists had a feud going on with the arts.”
“We don’t. But Dee Station? Every crackpot in creation applied for a spot with us. A distressing number of them managed to arrange one.” Lillian sighed. “It wouldn’t have been so bad, if they didn’t keep trying to talk to the rest of us about their mad fancies. It only got worse, Afterward. I’d guess the lot are some of your doctor’s mad dreamers.”
“I’d have to look that up,” Tobias admitted, reminding himself to do just that. “How have your dreams been?”
“Awful, like everyone else’s. Well, everyone except those people, I suppose. How worried are you about the way they’re all dreaming the same nightmare?”
“Since I don’t know why? Very.” Tobias shrugged. “If it means something bad, we might as well find out now.”