Truth of the Day, It Is The Glorious Fourth Today edition.

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Turns out we didn’t have to go anywhere for fireworks.

The weather was weird this weekend, but it cleared up nicely just as dusk was descending. My youngest and I were supposed to go find fireworks (they’re loud, but he loves ’em) — but my neighbors were really enthusiastic about setting off pyrotechnics. Some really good stuff, too: the kind of stuff you have to (chortle, air quotes) “go over the border (snicker) to Pennsylvania (chuckle)” to get, because (cackle) fireworks are (laughter) are (belly laugh) are — hold on, I can do this — are illegal in Maryland. (falling down onto the floor, holding in herniated stomach)

So we just walked around the neighborhood a little. Good times! Hope you had a proper Glorious Fourth, too.