Field trip today! …Yay.

Part and parcel of the glamorous and carefree life of the stay at home father… what? Oh, sorry: online Trump supporters. One of them was giving somebody crud about the entire stay-at-home dad thing last night – as only a hardcore Trump fan can do, meaning sexual slurs – so I figure that I might as well try to demystify the entire condition for saner people.  Hey, just like in 2012, when Democrats attacked Ann Romney for wanting to raise her kids!

…I am sick of some of these people.  And no, at this point I don’t really care if they’re pissed off. We’re all pissed off.  It’s still no excuse to call people nasty names that are derived from homosexual activities.  Hey, just like 2004, when Democrats called people chickenhawks!

…I am sick of some of these people.

Moe Lane

PS: No, really, I don’t care if hardcore Trump supporters are pissed off. I know their arguments and complaints better than some of them do, at this point. They still need to start acting like adult citizens of the Republic.