Field trip today! …Yay.

Part and parcel of the glamorous and carefree life of the stay at home father… what? Oh, sorry: online Trump supporters. One of them was giving somebody crud about the entire stay-at-home dad thing last night – as only a hardcore Trump fan can do, meaning sexual slurs – so I figure that I might as well try to demystify the entire condition for saner people.  Hey, just like in 2012, when Democrats attacked Ann Romney for wanting to raise her kids!

…I am sick of some of these people.  And no, at this point I don’t really care if they’re pissed off. We’re all pissed off.  It’s still no excuse to call people nasty names that are derived from homosexual activities.  Hey, just like 2004, when Democrats called people chickenhawks!

…I am sick of some of these people.

Moe Lane

PS: No, really, I don’t care if hardcore Trump supporters are pissed off. I know their arguments and complaints better than some of them do, at this point. They still need to start acting like adult citizens of the Republic.

7 thoughts on “Field trip today! …Yay.”

  1. Sounds like a field trip may be a good mid-winter tonic…getting out of one’s head and the daily grind is always a good thing.
    This really doesn’t need to be said among your regulars, but it bears keeping in mind for readers who aren’t parents. You, Peter and millions of stay at home dads are doing the hardest job anyone will ever attempt; raising good citizens and kind, caring humans.
    Ginger Rodgers once quipped that she could do any step that Astaire could, backwards and in heels. That sort of describes the parental role reversal that many men have taken on. Going against prevailing conventional wisdom is never easy, but it is often necessary and rewarding.
    Asshats hurling moronic insults have no idea of the responsibilities, endless worry and/or the mind-numbing work tunnel you’ve volunteered to trudge through for a couple of decades…or the joy that swells one’s heart to almost bursting when you hold your newborn. How could they, faffing their lives away in their parents basement.
    Don’t let the bastids get you down…goading people is their game…they feed on anger

  2. Heh. We’ve been hit hard by various viruses in our area. It’s been over a month since I had a day “off”.
    There are people who think raising kids is easy. I believe the technical term is “drooling moron”.

  3. I think being a stay at home mom or dad is awesome. While my wife and I both work, I am fortunate enough to work at home, so we have never needed (nor could we have afforded) daycare.

    I love this part of BJM’s comment: or the joy that swells one’s heart to almost bursting when you hold your newborn.

    p.s. I think this is my first comment, but I think I have read at least 95% of all of your posts. including over at Redstate and PJ Media. Most of the time I feel like you are ghost writing for me, because we share so much in common.

    1. I feel bad for two-income parents sometimes. Stuff that’s a mild problem for me (‘Your kid threw up! Come get him before he paints the walls!’) must be an exercise in frustration and juggled schedules. I respect their ability to handle it.

  4. I think the thing I hate most about the Trump campaign is how it’s brought the bloody white supremacists out of the woodwork.

    1. I think that’s more fairly blamed on all the racial healing of the past 7 years.
      If you’re going to be called a racist no matter what you say or do for opposing the current president and the professional exploiters of black race resentment, then most of the sting goes out of the word.
      Also, enforced racial solidarity has been very much a theme in the black and hispanic communities for some time, and exploiting that a very profitable enterprise. (It’s also been a theme among chinese, Hmong, Laotians, and koreans. They’ve just been less successful at leveraging it into political gains.) Why unilaterally disarm when basis actors are actively trying to start a race war?
      Now, I’m about as far from a white nationalist as you’re likely to find. (And of the three I’ve actually met, two were absolute scumbags. The third, ironically, was a great guy and was very good friends with several black nationalists.)

      1. 1. Trump is a bombastic focus, and has been leading people inclined that way.
        2. ‘Racism’ has been overused to the point that it has lost much of its actual meaning.
        3. When #BLM claims normal police procedure is discriminatory because of its inherent whiteness, there are only so many ways a person can respond. a) Endorse #BLM b) 42088whitepowerblahblahblah… c) It is racist to conflate race and culture. It is racist to say that blood means what #BLM claims. I deny #BLM’s claims about race, and am comfortable imposing the mores and customs of the United States on everyone residing on the territory of the United States. d) Our current system draws from English and French cultural influences, and this is inappropriate for anyone of different heritage, so we are going to replace it with a more diverse and humane police culture based on the Shinsengumi. e) This isn’t really a problem of racial bullshit. It is a mental health problem. These dead people wouldn’t have been perfectly fine except for the cops. They were a danger to themselves and others, and their caregivers were neglecting their welfare. Free range psychiatric hospitals don’t work well, and police are a poor substitute for psychiatric nurses, though not as bad a substitute as infantry would be. Our choices are let them suicide, confine them, or leave it to the cops, and bitch about ‘PoPos’
        4. Spillover from the Mexico conflict and the cartels, combined with the fact that so much of America is far away from the border and could care less. Moe may have soured some on Breitbart, but those stacks of body parts Breitbart Texas shows mostly don’t have white skin. New England gives the impression they are fine with those murders, and will keep on being fine so long as they can sneer at us.
        5. The SJW speech police have become very obvious.
        6. Obama’s pathological lying and incompetent leadership has discredited a number of ideas relating to Islam, terrorism, and the effectiveness of Federal force. Combined with 4, people have concerns that aren’t being addressed, and only people who everyone knows never gave ground to the speech police are those white supremacist prison gangs. Some of the angry people have been on the Democrat/Left reservation so long that they can’t think of better visionaries, and are willing to be led by druggies.

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