My moment of ‘Duh’ for the day.

So, I’m in the public library, returning a book my kid checked out, and on the way out the door I notice that Peter Higgins has written Truth and Fear, which is a sequel to his quite nice Wolfhound Century (which is kind of about magic, and kind of about the Russian Revolution).  So I say to myself I should remember to get that on Kindle when I get home! No, wait, I already spent all the discretionary funds that I have on already-earmarked products, and the next batch is already allocated*.  Better wait until the end of the month…


It was not until I was driving home that the obvious thought in your heads entered mine.  The annoyed swearing would have been entertaining, I’m sure.  Especially when it occurred to me that I almost had to write about it.  Because I was dumb.

Moe Lane

*Discretionary income is, of course, tightly budgeted, so that I will not run up the house credit card on gimcracks.  Well, the odd gimcrack.  I feel extremely transgressive when I put a twenty buck purchase on house money these days, which just shows that you can teach new habits to anybody.