I might be being just a touch sarcastic, here.
I might be being just a touch sarcastic, here.
Keep Me in Your Heart, Warren Zevon
I know that this is going to sound weird, or possibly diseased, but: I wonder what Lilo & Stitch would have looked and sounded like if they had drawn musical inspiration from Warren Zevon, and not Elvis Presley.
Werewolves Of London, Warren Zevon
Screw it; I’m doing this one again this year. Dammit, Warren, you should have quit smoking.
Werewolves Of London, Warren Zevon
“And his hair was PERFECT.”
The Hula Hula Boys, Warren Zevon
I’m fond of this one, for not very quantifiable reasons.
It’s a new year, and you know what that means.
Yup. It means some Zevon.
Lawyers, Guns And Money, Warren Zevon
Note the categories; this hasn’t been a great week for the Democrats so far. I assume that they’ll skip the guns, but the lawyers and money are probably on their way.
Gorilla, You’re A Desperado, Warren Zevon
For some reason, I’m now associating this with The Avengers.
Damned if I know why, either.