This is, by the way, happening now. Not next year. Not October. Now.
Et tu, Wegmans?
The Rochester-based grocer that has been continually lauded for providing health insurance to its part-time workers will no longer offer that benefit.
I expect that this will probably be reversed pretty quickly, assuming that it hasn’t been already. But, still, you’re going to love THIS spin:
However, part-time employees may actually benefit from Wegmans’ decision, according to Brian Murphy, a partner at Lawley Benefits Group, an insurance brokerage firm in Buffalo.
“If you have an employee that qualifies for subsidized coverage, they might be better off going with that than a limited part-time benefit,” Murphy said.
That’s because subsidized coverage can have a lower out-of-pocket cost for the insured employee while also providing better benefits than an employer-paid plan.
Continue reading Wegmans abandons part-time workers to #obamacare exchanges.