So, there was my moment of raw terror for the evening.

There is absolutely nothing like saving a PDF to your creative-work file folder — then discovering that that folder ain’t there anymore.  Not as bad as it could be, given that I save most of this stuff in Google Docs, but it was still an unhappy time for me. Why? Because I couldn’t find the Recycle Bin, either.  Yeah, it’s been that kind of night.  I kept fiddling with a bunch of different stories instead of settling down to work on what I planned to work on, so I was already feeling time crunches.

Found the Recycling Bin, though, found the file, restored the file, everything’s fine again. Still. Fun!

Got the kids for the next few days. Yay.

Ah, the joys of spousal business trips. It’s actually not so bad, except for being on 24/7; but it’s also kind of exhausting.  OK, obviously, yes, most of the people reading this know that because they have kids, and the rest have imaginations.  I’m mostly just noting why I’m kind of fried right now.

[real life pause for homework crises]

…Case in point.