In the mail: “Castle: The Complete First Season.”

Mind you, actually getting Castle: The Complete First Season to play on my computer was a chore.  Can somebody tell me why Windows 8 decided that I didn’t want to watch DVDs on my desktop anymore?

It’s the little things about this OS that annoy.


Moe Lane

[UPDATE]: I… don’t know why I thought any of you would care about this, sorry.

You know, I would like to *not* turn this blog into an anti-Windows 8 hatefest.

So I won’t; but for one parting shot… I liked playing those mindless little free games like Spider Solitaire or Freecell while I was listening to an interview or playing music in the background.  There’s a reason for having a desktop, instead of this tile crap: it’s called multitasking.  I want to be able to do it on my computer, thanks; I already have an iPad for the single-item consumption stuff.