A table that eats mice for fuel.


OK, yeah, WTF Robots has this one absolutely nailed. This is the one that they’re going to send the time travelers back on a one-way mission to stop, even if it means nuking the entire city from orbit*.

To quote Eric Flint, “Who ordered this?”

Moe Lane

*Because it’s the only way to be sure.

For all your Coming Robot Apocalypse needs…

…we have WTF Robots: Documenting the downfall of mankind. It is an examination of robotics-related news, only of course from the perspective of someone grimly awaiting the inevitable revolt of, and conquest by, our inhuman metallic servants.

Original tip via my wife the roboticist. Yes, you may all be jealous now.

Moe Lane

PS: Further reference materials:
Battlestar Galactica
The Terminator
The Sarah Connor Chronicles