Should it be:
Barack Obama has now, in just a year’s time, become the single most inept president perhaps in all of American history, and certainly in my lifetime.
Or should it be:
Of course, I don’t give a [expletive deleted] about Barack Obama anymore, other than my desire that really ugly things happen to him as payment in kind for the grandest act of betrayal we’ve seen since Benedict Arnold did his thing.
The first is inaccurate (we still have a ways to go before James Buchanan, Warren Harding [UPDATE: Ken Hite raked me over the coals for this one; and Ken’s got a point. Particularly about how I should have used Woodrow Wilson, instead], and/or Jimmie Carter), while the second is frankly vile (if you want the President dead, just come out and say so so that the United States Secret Service can get on with investigating you to a fare-thee-well). So it’s hard to categorize which is more representative of the idiocy which is this article…
Moe Lane
PS: What? Oh, sorry: the quotes are from a piece by Lefty professor David Michael Green, for Via Newsbusters, via Instapundit.
PPS: Professor Green: the Charge of the Light Brigade consisted of several hundred men who actually managed to accomplish their primary purpose, despite taking almost 50% casualties. For comparison, the Battle of the Crater lost us nearly 3,800 troops in a single afternoon, with absolutely no result. Of course, the first set of military victims were mostly white British, while the second set were mostly African-Americans fighting for a government run by the Republican party; so it’s entirely possible that you think that the latter group had it coming.
Crossposted to RedState.
Should it be that obama be impeached and convicted of high crimes for his continued willful violation of our constitution?
I vote for this one. Removal from office would be the worst punishment for the Narcissist-in-Chief.
Don’t be dissing Warren G. Harding.
If he’d done nothing but fix calamities of the Wilson Administration — reintegrating the civil service, cutting taxes and spending, balancing the budget, ending the first Red Scare and releasing Wilson’s imprisoned dissenters such as Eugene Debs, ending the massive inflation of 1918-1919 with nothing but a mild recession, negotiating the treaties that actually ended WWI for the US — he’d deserve high marks.
But he also appointed Andrew Mellon as Treasury Secretary, which is why the Twenties roared. He appointed William Howard Taft to the Supreme Court, much to the court’s organizational benefit.
His administration created the Bureau of Veterans’ Affairs and the OMB, fixed the German economy (the Dawes plan), negotiated the Washington Treaty limiting naval armaments (a mixed but underrated achievement), reaffirmed the “special relationship” with Britain, built up the Merchant Marine, and reduced the national debt by a third.
He tried (but failed) to gut broadcasting regulation and pass major anti-lynching laws; he had the best record on civil rights of any President between Grant and LBJ.
And he made Calvin Coolidge president. (In fairness, he also probably made Herbert Hoover President, but Hoover was a great Secretary of Commerce.)
Teapot Dome was penny-ante stuff. He was badly served by many of his appointees, but you could say the same of Reagan, Lincoln, or Jefferson.
Warren Harding was no Grover Cleveland, but he was hardly inept. And he was certainly not the disaster that Wilson was.
Ken, it is an honor to be raked over the coals by you over Warren G Harding.