The Corner (via Instapundit):
On MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Luke Russert just said that one member who voted for the legislation last night told him (this may be a slight paraphrase): I’m glad I don’t have to go back to my district and talk about this again.
I believe we should start Operation Stupak personally.
Until November, everyone calls Stupak’s office once a day to let him know how unhappy we are with him. The ones of us who are really snarky should call saying:
“Yes, I’d like to schedule an abortion please. I was told this was the number I should call.”
No. Seriously.
If that Democrat doesn’t want to “talk about [HCR] again,” then he should just stay in DC for the rest of his brief, miserable, and thoroughly harassed political career.
Jeez, what a moron.
To paraphrase PM Churchill…
Obamacare: Never have so much been taken from so many to benefit so few.
Hope & Change = Gov’ment Banking; Gov’ment Motors; Gov’ment Med; next Gov’ment Petrol, Power & Light; next Good Ole Poor House.