Questions of corruption by Democratic nominee, alas, still remain.
…after two weeks. It’s hard to tell whether the general lack of energy involved was from civility or ennui: Republican Lt. Governor Brian Dubie was polling at over 50% for most of the candidates, and polls at 55%/36% against eventual nominee Peter Shumlin. Don’t expect a lot more polling of this race, by the way: as near as I can tell, its Toss-Up status among RCP and Cook is based mostly on that it’s Vermont and the incumbent Republican governor isn’t running.
But since lack of energy isn’t good for people, let’s kick it up a notch: as VT pro-tem Senate President Shumlin appointed David Blittersdorf to his state’s Clean Energy Development Fund. Blittersdorf then proceeded to apply for (and later get) over 4 million in tax credits from the fund while he was serving on its board. Blittersdorf has also contributed 8 grand to Shumlin’s campaign coffers. Shumlin’s response to all of this is to ask for Blittersdorf to resign from the CEDF; he won’t return Blittersdorf’s campaign contributions, apparently.
Does Shumlin think that it should end there? I’m mildly curious.
Moe Lane
Crossposted to RedState.
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