From Jim Treacher, of course:
To put it in terms my liberal friends might be able to understand: Tony Hopfinger didn’t use his words and had to go into timeout.
Indeed. Quick operational tips for Lefties trying to emulate us Merry Pranksters here on the Right:
- When you’re trying to provoke a candidate into an unreasonable response for your video camera, don’t follow him into the bathroom. We call that ‘stalking.’ Also, ‘squicky.’
- When the nice security guards drop by to have a word about how it’s not really cool for you to follow a candidate into the bathroom, don’t shove one of them. We call that ‘assault.’
- When you ignore #1 and publicly admit later that you were guilty of #2, don’t be aggrieved that the consequences of your actions involved handcuffs until the cops arrived. We call that ‘being a petulant little man-child.’
Sheesh, but some of these people get downright unpleasant when they’re losing nationally.
Moe Lane