#rsrh Neil Abercrombie, you ignorant slut*.

So.  Gov. Abercrombie wanted to puncture the Birther balloon.  That’s a laudable goal: so once he took office as governor, Abercrombie announced that he was going to settle this once, and for all.  Outstanding.  Only… it turns out that, Gosh darn it, Hawaii state law prevents the governor from releasing birth record information!


Sorry about the YT link to a Birther, but that’s the only audio link that I can find; I’ll be happy to replace it once I find something suitable.  Anyway: back in 2008 it was determined that it was illegal for birth certificates to be released without the holder’s permission; nothing has changed since then; and apparently you’ve never talked to Gov. Lingle on her way out the door – so the only damned thing that you did in your quest to be ‘helpful,’ Governor, was to throw fresh gasoline on the fire.

I repeat: Neil Abercrombie, you ignorant slut.  Learn how and when to keep your mouth shut, OK? Hint: if your handlers are frantically waving at you off-screen, then that’s a good time.

Moe Lane

*This is one of those responses that must be earned: we of the VRWC just don’t give it away.

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