#rsrh Pelosi’s recycling heartbreak.

Otherwise known as Democrats’ $3 million recycling boondoggle staked through heart, head put on pike in Capitol.

No, I don’t know why Fox News doesn’t write titles like that, either.  Even if you hate Fox, you have to admit: you’d read that, right?

House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi’s four-year effort to “Green the Capitol” is officially no-more, having been dumped into an existing energy-savings program on the Hill in a move that Republicans say will save more money, eliminate redundancy and promote collaboration.

I’m feeling lazy, so I’m just going to assume that the evidence that this may have been actually a convenient bit of jobs patronage (as the article notes, there was already an existing recycling program in place – but then, existing programs are usually already staffed) is out there somewhere and simply grandly not-quite-libel* the former Speaker’s putatively good name in the meantime.  Or maybe I’ll go burn some Styrofoam.  Gimme a break: I’m recovering from the night of total and twisted debauchery that I over-indulged in last night to celebrate my wife traveling this weekend**.

Anyway: three million ain’t much, but every little bit helps.

Moe Lane

*Pub-lic fig-ure doc-trine! Pub-lic fig-ure doc-trine! Pub-lic fig-ure doc-trine!

**That is to say: I played Mass Effect 2 for as long as I wanted to*** and I didn’t do the dishes.

***Once the kids were asleep, of course.

2 thoughts on “#rsrh Pelosi’s recycling heartbreak.”

  1. Played ME2 and didn’t do the dishes? You fool! You mad, mad fool! Where will it end? This has to stop. Turn away from your wicked ways before its too late. Now, go fold some socks and think about what I said.

    1. Hah! I’m not doing the dishes again!

      …Actually, I think that I’m going to bed. There’s something chilling in that revelation.

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