#rsrh The New Yorker and the The Obama That They Used To Know.

No, that video will not be reproduced in this post.

It’s impressive, in its way: The New Yorker manages to go an entire article where they portray President Obama as a gormless idiot with no feel for practical politics, an active disdain for business activities, and a fundamental incapacity for hiding his (completely unwarranted) attitude of smug superiority who take the first two things seriously – and yet they never actually sayany of those things.  It’s quite an exhibition of rhetorical skill.  Note that I am assuming that the New Yorker is being tongue in cheek when it repeats such errant nonsense as “He is so private, and so emotionally and intellectually honest;” I mean, surely that magazine is much more sophisticated than the parochial rubes that spout off that kind of delusional tripe?

Via Business Insider.




One thought on “#rsrh The New Yorker and the The Obama That They Used To Know.”

  1. Thanks for the link. Moe. ‘Tis SO refreshing to see how The Other Half lives. Such trials,such tribulations, it all seems so……Obama-Like.
    First they (hearted) him, now they by and large ‘gots better things to do’.
    Funny, how that worked out.
    But I went to shouting at the screen when T N Yrker claimed he didn’t hire any lobbyists, Ayt All.
    Big lumpy FAIL there……..

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