#rsrh Picture of the Day, The Democratic Convention Is A Sham edition.

In case the picture goes away: it purports to show the teleprompter for Antonio Villaraigosa during yesterday’s DNC God/Israel debacle. Apparently the passing of the vote was pre-scripted; there was no scenario where the delegates were to be permitted a say of their own.

Honest question: the site is dingy and cramped, the speakers are awful, the hotels are full of bedbugs, and I suspect that the open bars are few and far between. What the heck are the Democratic delegates still doing at this thing?

5 thoughts on “#rsrh Picture of the Day, The Democratic Convention Is A Sham edition.”

  1. The triple vote is a hit for the GOP–how many times do you think we’ll see that video clip? The look on the mayor’s face–priceless.

  2. These folks are attempting to replicate all those conditions on a national scale, I believe. So we’ll all ‘feel their pain.’

  3. The delegates are there because Barack Obama is the bravest, kindest, warmest, most wonderful human being they have ever met.

  4. Leaving early might get noticed, and would look bad next time The Party decides which apparat moves up.

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