Nevada state Rep. Steven Brooks (D) expelled, chased, cornered, tased, punched, arrested. In one day.

I believe that ‘expulsion’ usually is not intended to be meant quite so… literally.

Police chased a former lawmaker on a freeway between Las Vegas and Los Angeles and arrested him at gunpoint following a struggle, hours after he became the first person ever expelled from the Nevada Legislature.

Steven Brooks was jailed in California’s San Bernardino County after being subdued with punches and a Taser. Police alleged he attacked a police dog with a wrench.

The AP managed to not mention Brooks’ political affiliation (Democrat) until the fourth paragraph, although to be fair: the phrase ‘attacked a police dog with a wrench’ can reasonably seen as being an irresistible lure for reading further.  At any rate, this should be a fascinating HBO movie in a couple of years.  Assuming, of course, that they can figure out some way to get some skin in it.

Via Drudge.

Moe Lane

PS: All joking aside; there may be something neurological going on, here.

Simple question, DC folks: do you WANT wolves in Rock Creek Park? Right THERE?

Seriously, if you are a DC suburban resident: do you want a pack of wolves to move in next door? Right next to your pets? Digging into your garbage for all that rotten meat that you threw away?  Howling at night?


Well, here’s the thing:

Biologists generally recommend that area should have no more than 20 deer per square mile. [Rock Creek Park], according to official estimates, has about 70.

Continue reading Simple question, DC folks: do you WANT wolves in Rock Creek Park? Right THERE?

I’m not surprised that North Korea is ‘targeting’ Austin, TX.

We forget that, reservation-of-deliberate-weirdos* aside, Austin is the capital of Texas.  And if there’s a place that’s pretty much the antithesis of North Korea, it’s Texas.

Which doesn’t make North Korea any less insane for targeting Austin with missiles that it doesn’t actually have.  And here I was, hoping that the new King of North Korea might not be as crazy as the rest of his dynasty…


Moe Lane

*Actually, I can say that.  I’m a weirdo myself.

“Stayin’ Alive.”

What the hell; it’s been a more or less wreck of a day anyway.

Stayin’ Alive, Bee Gees

…I called this ‘creepy’ a while back; but it’s more like it’s… from forty years ago, when all the cultural tags were slightly different.  Anyway, best to just listen to the beat and try not to look too hard at the pictures.  Or at all.