Tweet of the Day, THIS Is The @BarackObama Administration, In One Tweet edition.

I’m impressed, really.

The more you look at it, the more depressing the message gets.

Russians setting up to take control of Crimea.

So much for good news coming out of Ukraine.

Ukraine’s interior ministry accused Russia of a “military invasion and occupation” on Friday, saying Russian troops have taken up positions around a coast guard base and two airports on its strategic Crimea peninsula.

Ukraine’s parliament sent an urgent plea to the U.N. Security Council for a meeting on the crisis and adopted a resolution demanding Russia halt actions it says are aimed at splitting Crimea from the rest of the country.

Continue reading Russians setting up to take control of Crimea.

Quote of the Day, @BarackObama Still Has The Jonah’s Touch edition.

It’s a miracle that Barack Obama gets invited anywhere, anymore.

A Minneapolis light rail test train derailed shortly after President Obama lauded the expansion of the system, the Pioneer Press of St. Paul, Minn., reports.

Obama touted the expansion of Minnesota’s Metro light rail system to St. Paul, which is scheduled to open in June, as an example for the nation to follow. Hours later, a train ran off the tracks.

Although I suppose that there’s no such thing as a Jonah.

Via somebody on Twitter.  Sorry: lost the tab.

Moe Lane

@KindforCongress, @Barrow4GA, Collin Peterson, @ericswalwell, & @BishopforCongress’s dirty Koch money.

Note: I do not actually consider Koch Industry [and employees: see Update below] campaign contributions to be in point of fact ‘dirty.’  And neither do the following Democrats!

  • Barrow, John (D-GA)
  • Bishop, Sanford (D-GA)
  • Matheson, Jim (D-UT)
  • Kind, Ron (D-WI)
  • Peterson, Collin (D-MN)
  • Swalwell, Eric (D-CA)

Screenshot here, just in case.
Continue reading @KindforCongress, @Barrow4GA, Collin Peterson, @ericswalwell, & @BishopforCongress’s dirty Koch money.

Health whispers about Hillary Clinton.

Always hard to tell how much of this is true, how much of this is BS, and how much is BS that also happens to be true, but for completely unrelated reasons.

If you listen to the chattering class in Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton is a virtual certainty for the 2016 Democratic nomination, and the front runner in the next presidential race.

But in private, rumors persist that the former Secretary of State may not even be capable of making it to Iowa and New Hampshire. Clinton, these skeptics often say, will not run for president again because of health concerns.

Continue reading Health whispers about Hillary Clinton.

Joe Biden is so totally running in 2016. And that’s a problem for the Democrats.

Fascinating Politico article here about Joe Biden and his desire to run in 2016.  Here is the basic problem, in a nutshell: Hillary Clinton is more or less qualified to be President* – or, at least, the Democratic nominee for President – but she is a horrible campaigner and nobody likes her.  People like Joe Biden, and he is better at the entire campaigning thing.  However: by the time 2016 rolls around “close to the Obama administration” is not going to be a selling point in the general election… and while both Clinton and Biden severely suffer from that problem, Biden suffers from it a heck of a lot more. Continue reading Joe Biden is so totally running in 2016. And that’s a problem for the Democrats.

Oracle abandoning Cover Oregon. #obamacare

I dunno if ‘open question’ is the right term to use.

Oracle Corp., the giant technology company at the center of the Cover Oregon controversy, has significantly downsized its army of software developers trying to salvage Oregon’s health insurance exchange website.

What that means for the Oregon exchange — which has been plagued by bugs and remains largely unfinished — is an open question. Exchange acting director Bruce Goldberg did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday afternoon.

Continue reading Oracle abandoning Cover Oregon. #obamacare

Well, good news on the computer front.

On the advice* of my wife I took the blessed thing to a local computer guy, who promptly determined that the power supply was busted and needed a new one. Thanks to the coupon that my wife also found and printed out for me, it’ll even cost less than a hundred bucks and I’ll get it back this afternoon. If all goes well, I’m back on track for the Kindle purchase.

Moral of the story? Marry well.

Moe Lane

*No, not instruction. My wife never tells me what to do. I’m just not stupid.