Barack Obama: historically ignorant AND astoundingly hypocritical!

Take a look at this picture, in all of its alleged ‘glory.’



Two things that jump out about this.

  1. If Barack Obama wants to do something about wage inequality, he should start with… the White House itself.  Or does it not count when it’s his own staff? – That’s a rhetorical question, of course: Barack Obama clearly thinks that it doesn’t count when it’s him doing it.
  2. As my teachers (but apparently, not Barack Obama’s) carefully taught me, we didn’t have anybody on the Moon in 1963.  We went there in 1969.  Here, let me show the President how to check things like this.

…Truly, this man is a veritable and literal icon of the Democratic party.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

19 thoughts on “Barack Obama: historically ignorant AND astoundingly hypocritical!”

    1. A testament to the skills of the educrats who have crushed critical thinking out of a generation or more of citizens.
      (alternate hypothesis: You know how the Dems are frequently saying anyone speaking against Obama is a racist? What percentage of those answering “Yeah, I like him…” do you suppose actually mean “Yeah, I’m not gonna tell you I dislike him, because I don’t want you to think I’m racist.” eh?

  1. Remarkable isn’t it that those juicebox Goebbelses of the Obama Administration would use the Moon landing as a point of reference for Progressivism?

    Looking back to the Moon landing merely reminds us how far we have traveled down the long, weary Progressive road to decadence and state-slavery.

    NASA 1969: Americans walking on the moon.
    NASA 2014: Helping Muslims with their self-esteem and hitching rides with the Russians to the Space Station.

    1. It’s also interesting to note that they hated the moon landing. It’s been “we can go to the moon but can’t do (insert progressive hobbyhorse here) ever since.

      1. Just for lulz, I like to answer idiocy like this with “Come on, everyone knows the moon landing was faked.” I figure it’s getting the left to eat itself via proxy (me), and since I don’t actually believe it was hoaxed, I’m not emotionally invested in the argument.

      2. Progressive category error — they assume that solving engineering problems means all problems are solvable, including human problems. Poverty isn’t an engineering problem; it’s a human problem.

        But “progressive” philosophy believes people are just slightly more squishy widgets, and thus human problems are as easy to solve as engineering problems. You just need the right, brilliant people, right?

  2. I think what they mean to convey is that in the 51 years since we passed the Equal Pay Act we have accomplished a lot of things, like landing on the moon, but we have not achieved equal pay. So I don’t think they are as historically ignorant as everyone is supposing, but they still lose points for being obtuse and at best ambiguous about what they mean.

    1. The administration has been sufficiently and institutionally pig-ignorant about every other aspect of American life that I think it’s reasonable to assume that they’re blithering idiots about our history, too.

          1. Pigs are smart useful creatures, that eat snakes, Democrats, and other vermin.
            A pig would cheerfully eat its own mother, or your mother.
            Eating pork is very much appreciating the mindset and emotions of pigs.
            The Porcine-American Non-Defamination Association demands that you have ham and bacon sandwiches tomorrow in contrition for your offensive statements.
            I’d also note that pigs are also vermin, fast breeding, dangerous to human life, and destructive of property. They very much fall into the category of ‘no matter how much empathy I have for them, letting that weaken my resolve brings only harm’.

    2. … in the 51 years since we passed the Equal Pay Act we have accomplished a lot of things …

      In other words, the entire premise is a frakkin’ LIE — it’s already illegal to pay women and men differently for doing the same job. What more does our Community Organizer in Chief want us to do? Legislate that for every job opening two people must be hired, a man and a woman, with both paid the same salary? Or should that be six hires, to include as well a gay, a lesbian, a trans*, and a unicorn?

      1. To be clear, I said that was the point they were trying to make, not that it was valid or I agreed with it.

    3. You would think that with the vast intellectual prowess and social media expertise that they claim, someone would realize that juxtaposing the picture of the moon landing with the phrase “It’s not 1963 anymore” would look very stupid.
      But it’s not like they have any claim to rational thought.

  3. Y’know, if I wanted to get into a lot of trouble with Fed.Gov (hi, NSA peeps! *waves*) I would photoshop in a picture of a certain event that DID happen in 1963… in Dallas… in November…

  4. And subsequent tweets indicate my reading was correct, “A sheep has been cloned, but women still don’t have equal pay” and “The internet can connect the world, but women still don’t have equal pay.”

    And again, to be clear, I hold no brief for the political point, for Democrats, for Obama, or for OFA. But reading that original tweet as ignorance of when the moon landing took place was severely off-base, and we do ourselves a disservice when we point at the other side laughing with contempt for the wrong reasons.

    1. Nope! He got the date wrong, Barack Obama should apologize for making such a rookie mistake, end of story.

      No, seriously: end of story.

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