The Wall Street Journal, in the process of mentioning just how badly Barack Obama’s administration urinated away years of hard work in Iraq, mentions this minor bit of too little, too late*:
…at the end of April, the Pentagon dispatched a team of special-operations personnel to assess the capabilities of Iraq’s security forces, a defense official said.
The assessment they brought back was bleak: Sunni Army officers had been forced out, overall leadership had declined, the Iraqi military wasn’t maintaining its equipment and had stopped conducting rigorous training. The response in Washington, summed up by a senior U.S. official, was: “Whoa, what the hell happened here?”
Permit me to answer that:
(Via 270 to Win.)
This was the goal. This was what the Democrats ran on. This is what they wanted, and now they have it. Don’t look at me: I voted for the other guys.
Moe Lane
*This has been a constant theme of this administration. It’s a natural byproduct of a situation where we have a bunch of people who have an inflated opinion of both their competence, and their ability to improvise. Alas, we simply have to grin and bear it until January 2017…
I got sooooo drunk watching the polls come in that night.
Did that in 2006. In 2008 I was sober as a judge. Still a nadir, of course. …Thankfully, the tide began to roll back almost immediately, thanks to the LA/GA final elections.
It says something that I was willing to vote for McCain over TFG.
My nose still has a bruise from the force I used to hold it back then.
I had to take a few shots of booze before I gritted my teeth and endorsed John McCain in 2008. Loathed him for McCain/Feingold, but the alternative was worse.
Endorsing Mitt Romney was a snap in comparison. By all accounts, Romney is a nice guy personally who does good things even when nobody’s around to see it.
He’s a good man.
And would have been a good President.
Even if I don’t agree with him on all that much.
I can’t say the same about McCain.