So. Age of Ultron, or Fury Road?

Sure, I’d like to catch both. But I may not be able to. Even if I do: which one of the two are my readers really looking forward to more? For my part: Age of Ultron is looking to be another solid entry in the Marvel Universe, and Marvel’s been doing well on that front. But Fury Road looks like it’s just flat out nuts.


10 thoughts on “So. Age of Ultron, or Fury Road?”

  1. To me, Fury Road looks like it’s following the trail of the 3rd movie- have some great action, and it all looks cool, but the movie didn’t really flow as a story.

    And I still looove the first Avengers movie.

    Ultron gets my vote.

  2. You know exactly what you’re getting with Age of Ultron. Fury Road has more upside potential.

  3. ultron. no question, and this way you can intelligently discuss the hints they drop along the way.

  4. Where’s the infrastructure to support all those vehicles?
    Anyway, Ultron, no question.

  5. Fury Road. Because it hadn’t gotten a vote yet, and I was kind of feeling sorry for it. Trophies for everyone!
    (Seriously? I’ll be trying to catch both this weekend. But if I only have time to see one, Ultron it is.)

  6. The Hubs, Diva and I will all want to see both. Ultron because we’re a Marvel and a Whendon fanfam. Hubs and Diva will enjoy Fury Road for the pew pew and the vroom vroom, I want to see it for the Hardy.

    Back when Diva was a teeny little tomboy, I used to tell people that were I to die suddenly, if the women in our family didn’t step in immediately to help Hub raise our girl, in a matter of months of she’d be running around in a pith helmet helmet with a gun and he’d be building a helicopter out of beer cans.

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