I got no quarrel with Islam, or Muslims. But those two would-be murderers have no call on my sympathy. It was their choice to live by the sword, and their choice to die by it.
Pamela Geller says she has no regrets about Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest that ended in 2 deaths: http://t.co/3QabvaBs4w
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 8, 2015
Terrorists and murderous ideologues are not children. They are responsible for their own actions. Simple as that. No, really, it is as simple as that.
“I wish to thank you all for proving my point.”
-Things Pamela Geller is Probably Thinking
Oh and “He chose poorly.”*
*classical reference
Gellar should start making comparisons to Piss Christ and make the left explain why that was artistic expression and an important form of free speech, and the Muhammad cartoons aren’t.
Did the AP headline change?
Yes. And probably because someone high up realized that it sounded sympathetic to the two darwinzed people.
next time she holds a contest, i think it should be “best sculpture of Khamenei out of pig manure”